넷플릭스 가입자, 애플 앱스토어 결제 막힌다

Netflix has decided to completely sever its ties with Apple’s App Store billing system. Since 2018, Netflix had already stopped allowing new or rejoining subscribers to sign up via App Store billing, but existing subscribers who were paying through Apple were allowed to continue. That policy is now changing, as Netflix has begun informing subscribers who currently pay through the App Store that they will need to update their payment method to continue accessing the service. This move means Netflix will fully move away from the App Store billing system, no longer paying Apple a percentage of revenue from its subscribers. The specific countries affected by this change were not explicitly mentioned, but the update was made to Netflix's United States support website.

넷플릭스가 애플 앱스토어 결제 연동을 완전히 종료하기로 결정했다. 2018년부터 넷플릭스는 신규 및 재가입하는 구독자들에게 앱스토어 결제를 중단했지만, 당시 애플을 통해 결제하던 구독자들은 계속해서 결제할 수 있었다. 하지만 넷플릭스는 애플을 통해 구독료를 지불하는 현재 사용자들에게 결제 방법을 업데이트해야 한다고 공지하기 시작했다. 이 변경으로 넷플릭스는 앱스토어 결제를 완전히 종료하며 더 이상 애플에 구독수익의 일정 비율을 지불하지 않게 된다.

Still paying for Netflix via the App Store? You’re about to get cut off - 9to5Mac


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