마이크로소프트, MS오피스 2021 버전 발표

AI기자 '버트'가 자동 선별, 요약한 오늘자 해외 테크뉴스입니다. (편집자 주)


Microsoft announces Office 2021, available for Windows and macOS later this year

Microsoft is releasing two new versions of Office 2021, a consumer Office 2021 version and Office LTSC(Long-Term Servicing Channel) for commercial customers, which will be available later this year for both Windows and macOS. The new version will include dark mode support, accessibility improvements, and features like Dynamic Arrays and XLOOKUP in Excel.



'Reckless, arrogant and dangerous': Outrage as Facebook blocks access to news content in Australia

Facebook is being criticized across Australia following its sudden decision to block


news content there, amid a dispute over whether the social media company should be required to pay for stories. Australians woke up Thursday to find they were unable to view or share news items on their Facebook feeds while the pages of local and international news organizations were blank.



China unveils plan to reshape manufacturing with internet of things

Beijing is looking to sharpen the global competitiveness of “Made-in-China” products with a new plan to accelerate the use of information technology in traditional manufacturing sectors, embarking on a technology-driven transformation of manufacturing to offset rising production costs and consolidate its position as the world’s workshop.



Report: Social audio app Clubhouse has topped 8 million global downloads – TechCrunch

Clubhouse has now topped 8 million global downloads, despite still being in a prelaunch, invite-only mode, growing from over 3.5 million to 8.1 million by February 16, 2021. This sharp growth is attributed to several high-profile guest appearances, including those from Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, for example.


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관련 기사

[CES 2025]삼성 '볼리' 홈 로봇, 올해 상반기 출시 예정

Samsung Electronics announced that its home robot 'Ballie' will be launched in the first half of this year during the CES 2025 press conference.

유나이티드항공, 스타링크 기내 Wi-Fi 서비스 조기 도입 나서

United Airlines has accelerated its timeline for introducing in-flight internet service in collaboration with Starlink.

애플 인텔리전스, 설치 용량 7GB로 증가...저장공간 부담

Apple is expanding AI features for iPhone users, but storage requirements have significantly increased. The installation space needed for Apple...

비트코인, 10만 달러 돌파? 전문가들은 "신중한 전망"

Bitcoin is receiving strong support at the $90,000 level, showing upward momentum. However, experts analyze that stronger buying pressure is needed to achieve a new all-time high.