미국 최초 비트코인 부동산 매입 사례 등장했다

Louisville, Kentucky made local history with its first real estate purchase made in bitcoin which only took about eight seconds, looking to invest profits from the sale into bitcoin by liquidating multiple properties. The buyer had taken an interest in Bitcoin some years prior and suggested he could make the purchase using BTC.

Home Sold For Bitcoin In Louisville, KY For The First Time


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Microsoft has today launched a Windows app for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, web browsers, Android devices, and Windows PCs.

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Director Bong Joon-ho's film adaptation of the popular sci-fi novel 'Mickey 7' has finally released its trailer.

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YouTube has introduced a feature that displays ads even when the screen is paused.

미 연준 금리 인하... 비트코인 6만 3천 달러 돌파

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency-related stocks are showing an upward trend after the Federal Reserve (Fed) cut its benchmark interest rate by 0.5 percentage points.