인텔과 윈도우 11, 애플의 M1 칩과 경쟁할 수 있을까?

Intel and Microsoft are working together to give new mobile PCs an unprecedented leap in both battery savings and horsepower. The new 12th-generation Core architecture is radically different than its predecessors, with great potential for performance enhancements and battery life improvements. The two companies' hotly competitive battle with Apple for control of the desktop has taken on a new urgency since the work-from-home wave.

Who's got the most efficient laptops now? New Windows PCs up the ante vs. Apple


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HPE, 관세 영향으로 실적 전망 하향... 주가 20% 급락

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has lowered its performance outlook due to the impact of the US-China trade conflict.

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Instagram is reportedly developing a 'community chat' feature that can accommodate up to 250 users.

테슬라 주가 급락, 머스크의 정치 행보에 투자자들 우려

Tesla stock fell 5.6% on Thursday, recording a 35% loss year-to-date. This is a result of investment firms consecutively lowering their price targets.

레딧, 사용자 참여 증진 위한 새 도구 출시

Reddit, a social media platform, has unveiled new content moderation and analytics tools to enhance user engagement.