해고 된 아마존 노동자, 뉴욕시 4개 지역 노조 설립 추진

A fired Amazon worker is trying to unionize four NYC-area facilities

Amazon workers at four different facilities near Staten Island have begun the process of unionizing with the Amazon Labor Union, led by Christian Smalls, a former warehouse worker who was fired in March after organizing a walkout to protest unsafe working conditions during the pandemic. The company has responded by posting anti-union messages on TV screens at JFK8, the fulfillment center where Smalls used to work.

Microsoft’s Brad Smith Renews Attack on Google Over Web Content

Microsoft Corp. President Brad Smith said Google has hurt the concept of the open web and impaired content creators’ ability to make money, continuing an attack the software maker began earlier this year over whether internet companies need to pay news organizations for content they re-share. The debate began over Microsoft’s backing of a law in Australia to force Alphabet Inc. to pay publishers for the value their stories generate on digital platforms.

Facebook’s Sales, Users Jump as Pandemic Habits Persist

Facebook reported 2.85 billion monthly active users, a rise of 10 percent, and shares jumped more than 6 percent in late trading. The company has seen a surge in use of its platforms for at-home entertainment and keeping up with loved ones while people have been stuck in lockdown.



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아마존 AWS, 조지아주에 110억 달러 규모 AI 인프라 투자 발표

Amazon's cloud computing division, Amazon Web Services (AWS), is making a major investment in Georgia.

게티이미지, 셔터스톡 인수...글로벌 최대 사진 기업 탄생

글로벌 최대 스톡 포토 기업 게티이미지가 경쟁사 셔터스톡과 현금·주식 방식의 합병을 발표했다.

메타 직원들, 팩트체크 중단과 다나 화이트 이사 선임에 반발

Meta employees strongly opposed the company's decision to end third-party fact-checking ahead of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.

메타, 팩트체크 전면 폐지...저커버그 '표현의 자유' 강조

메타가 팩트체크 프로그램을 전면 폐지하고 X(구 트위터)와 유사한 커뮤니티 주도형 시스템으로 전환한다고 발표했다. 마크 저커버그 CEO는 정치·사회적 환경 변화에 따라 표현의 자유를 확대하겠다며 주요 정책 변경을 예고했다