2022년 미국 상표 출원 건수… NFT 1078건, 암호화폐 604건, 메타버스가 759건

The number of U.S. trademarks filed related to cryptocurrencies, nonfungible tokens, Web3, and the metaverse since January have reportedly passed those in 2021. reported that the number of nonfungible token, or NFT, applications had surged even higher — more than 5,800 in 2022 compared to 2,087 in 2021 — while the number of trademark filings related to the metaverse or Web3 had more than doubled: 1,866 in 2021 and 4,150 as of August 2022.

Trademark applications for crypto, NFTs, and metaverse surge in 2022: Report


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