2022년, 5가지 주요 인공지능 자동화 트렌드

Data engineers are working hard to understand the shape of their data and using data quality platforms to identify outliers and afflicted data. Network operations traditionally require a highly involved human effort. AI and data can automate a lot of that effort. A number of players such as Cisco, Juniper Networks, Gluware, and Splunk are investing in the automation of AI capabilities.

5 Top AI Automation Trends in 2022


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피규어, 2025년 가정용 휴머노이드 로봇 '알파 테스트' 계획 발표

Robotics startup Figure has announced plans to begin alpha testing its home-use humanoid robot 'Figure 02' in late 2025.

오픈AI, 새로운 AI 모델 GPT-4.5 출시... "첨단 모델 아님" 경고

OpenAI has released its latest large language model, GPT-4.5.

IBM, 64억 달러 규모 '하시코프' 인수 완료... 클라우드 사업 강화

IBM has announced the acquisition of cloud infrastructure management company HashiCorp for $6.4 billion.

마이크로소프트, macOS용 코파일럿 앱 출시... AI 기능 확대

Microsoft has released a native Copilot app for macOS.