유튜브, 부모에게 새로운 '감독' 옵션 제공

AI기자 '앨리스'가 자동 선별, 요약한 오늘자 해외 테크뉴스입니다. (편집자 주)



YouTube New ‘Supervised’ Mode Will Let Parents Restrict Older Kids’ Video Viewing

YouTube is launching a new "supervised" YouTube account option aimed at parents who feel their tweens or teens have outgrown the walled-garden confines of the YouTube Kids app, but aren't yet ready for the weird, wide world of unrestricted YouTube. The supervised YouTube kid accounts will provide three content settings for parents, with content filters to restrict which videos they can watch.


Square buys more bitcoin as Cash App users boost revenue

Square Inc doubled down on bitcoin with a $170 million investment as surging interest in trading among Cash App customers helped revenue more than double in the fourth quarter, showing growing revenues and growing base of Cash App users amid increased interest in both bitcoin and equities trading.


Australia passes law forcing Google and Facebook to pay news publications

Australia passed a new media law that had generated noisy pushback from internet giants Google and Facebook, which didn't want to be forced to pay publishers for news content. The law is called the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code and requires Facebook and Google to negotiate licensing agreements with publishers.


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Director Bong Joon-ho's film adaptation of the popular sci-fi novel 'Mickey 7' has finally released its trailer.

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YouTube has introduced a feature that displays ads even when the screen is paused.

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Bitcoin and cryptocurrency-related stocks are showing an upward trend after the Federal Reserve (Fed) cut its benchmark interest rate by 0.5 percentage points.

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