아이폰 제조사 폭스콘 - 3대의 전기 자동차 공개 예정

Foxconn, the Taiwanese electronics giant that builds Apple's iPhone, plans to unveil three new electric vehicles on October 18 during its Hon Hai Tech Day. The EV space is heating up as startups, established car companies, and tech firms place big bets on a future free of gas-fueled vehicles.

iPhone maker Foxconn will reveal 3 electric vehicles on Monday. Here's what they'll look like.


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관련 기사

아마존, 조지아주 AI 데이터센터에 110억 달러 투자 계획 발표

Amazon has announced plans to invest $11 billion in AI data centers in the U.S. state of Georgia.

메타, AI 학습에 불법 복제 도서 사용 혐의로 소송 직면

Meta Platforms has been sued by prominent authors over allegations of using pirated books to train its AI systems.

애플 인텔리전스, 아이폰 판매 증진에 효과 없어

Apple Intelligence, the AI tool set introduced by Apple last year, has been shown to be ineffective in boosting iPhone sales.

메타 저커버그 CEO, 저작권 침해 논란 데이터로 AI 학습 승인 의혹

Allegations have been raised that Meta's CEO Mark Zuckerberg approved the use of a dataset controversial for copyright infringement to train AI models.