구글 클라우드, '가격 인상' 새로운 요금 및 기능

Google Cloud is changing the prices for some of its storage, compute and networking products. The public cloud giant says it can do more to align its capabilities and pricing with customers wide array of workloads. Google Cloud’s top competitors are Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

Google Cloud Price Increases, New Fees And Features: 5 Big Things To Know


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메타, AI 휴머노이드 로봇 개발에 대규모 투자 계획

Bloomberg reports that Meta Platforms is planning a major investment in AI-powered humanoid robot development. This move is seen as CEO Mark Zuckerberg following in the footsteps of Elon Musk.

마이크로소프트, 폴란드 사이버보안 강화에 7억 달러 투자 계획

Microsoft plans to invest an additional $700 million to improve Poland's cybersecurity in cooperation with the country's armed forces, the company's president said on Monday without elaborating.

프랑스 AI 기업 '미스트랄', 아랍어 특화 언어모델 '사바' 출시

French AI startup Mistral announced on February 17 the release of 'Mistral Saba', a specialized language model for Arabic-speaking countries.

뉴욕타임스, 뉴스룸에 AI 도구 도입... "기자의 책임 하에 제한적 사용"

The New York Times has announced the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in its newsroom. According to the plan revealed through an internal email, employees will be able to use various AI systems, including a new AI tool called 'Echo'.