미 노동부, 긱(gig) 근로자 정직원으로 분류하는 제안 발표

Department of Labor has issued a proposal that could make it more likely for gig workers to be classified as employees. The proposal would make it easier for companies to classify gig workers as employees rather than independent contractors. If the proposal becomes a formal rule, gig workers would likely gain benefits and protections afforded to employees.

Labor Department proposal may lead to gig workers gaining employee status | Engadget


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호주 정부, 온라인 허위정보 규제 법안 철회

The Australian government has withdrawn a bill aimed at regulating the spread of misinformation on online platforms. This bill proposed fines of up to 5% of global revenue for platforms failing to curb misinformation.

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Apple is changing its MacBook Pro speaker replacement method, which is expected to make repairs more affordable.