AI 시대를 대비하는 미디어의 자세

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT are posing a threat to media companies by replacing their role in creating content. Companies like BuzzFeed are using AI software to publish quizzes, while others have started to incorporate AI into their workflows, like sourcing images. However, writing journalistic articles with AI is a line that most publishers are not yet eager to cross. The most immediate impact of AI will likely be its use as an efficiency tool, but media brands need to pivot toward serving specific audiences rather than the masses. To compete, publishers will need to specialize and focus on serving a specific audience. Trying to compete with AI on efficiency will likely not work as robots will always win.

Media braces for the robot era

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관련 기사

구글, 아이폰용 독립 Gemini AI 앱 출시

Google has launched a standalone 'Gemini AI' app for iPhone.

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구글, 홈스크린 장악 위해 '제미니' 아이폰 앱 출시

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