COVID-19로 미각이 변한 사람을 위한 레시피 무료 다운로드 서비스

AI기자 앨리스가 자동 선별, 요약한 최신 해외 테크뉴스입니다.

This free, downloadable cookbook is aimed at helping COVID-19 long-haulers enjoy food again after losing their taste and smell

For coronavirus long-haulers, loss of taste and smell is one of the persisting symptoms. The book, "Taste & Flavour," features 18 recipes with stunning food photography and is being offered for free as a digital download. The recipes are designed specifically for people experiencing an altered sense of Taste and smell due to COVID-19.

Free download link

Taste & Flavour Book
Taste & Flavour Book

Bitcoin tumbles below $50,000, other cryptos sink over Biden tax plans

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies posted sharp losses on Friday, onconcern that U.S. President Joe Biden’s plan to raise capital gains taxes will curb investments in digital assets, including a plan to nearly double taxes on capital gains to 39.6% for people earning more than $1 million.

Clubhouse is partnering with the NFL for draft week programming

Clubhouse is partnering with the National Football League for exclusive programming during the NFL draft. The NFL will host a series of draft-themed rooms on Clubhouse beginning Monday and throughout the week, including player assessments, a mock draft for fans, and a conversation with alumni from the University of Alabama.


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관련 기사

아마존 AWS, 조지아주에 110억 달러 규모 AI 인프라 투자 발표

Amazon's cloud computing division, Amazon Web Services (AWS), is making a major investment in Georgia.

게티이미지, 셔터스톡 인수...글로벌 최대 사진 기업 탄생

글로벌 최대 스톡 포토 기업 게티이미지가 경쟁사 셔터스톡과 현금·주식 방식의 합병을 발표했다.

메타 직원들, 팩트체크 중단과 다나 화이트 이사 선임에 반발

Meta employees strongly opposed the company's decision to end third-party fact-checking ahead of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.

메타, 팩트체크 전면 폐지...저커버그 '표현의 자유' 강조

메타가 팩트체크 프로그램을 전면 폐지하고 X(구 트위터)와 유사한 커뮤니티 주도형 시스템으로 전환한다고 발표했다. 마크 저커버그 CEO는 정치·사회적 환경 변화에 따라 표현의 자유를 확대하겠다며 주요 정책 변경을 예고했다