ECB, 초저금리 유지... 인플레이션 경고

The European Central Bank’s decision to become more tolerant of inflation before raising interest rates has sparked immediate criticism from some of its more hawkish policymakers in an indication of the divisions within the central bank over when to scale back bond-buying. The ECB said it would keep buying bonds and maintain deeply negative interest rates.

ECB divisions erupt over pledge to persist with negative rates

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OpenAI has launched a new way to interact with ChatGPT through the phone number 1-800-CHATGPT. U.S. users can call this number to receive 15 minutes of free service each month, while users around the world can send messages via WhatsApp.

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Google's release of Bard last year has raised calls for marketers to prepare for advertising opportunities within AI agents.

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The Trump Transition Team has received a letter containing 30 recommendations aimed at securing U.S. leadership in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).