테슬라, 파워스티어링 결함으로 4만대 리콜

Tesla is recalling 40,168 Model S and Model X vehicles. The cars could experience a loss of power steering assist. The automaker is not aware of any injuries or deaths. The recall requires a software update that's pushed to the cars over the air. The company says 97% of the recalled vehicles have installed the update.

Tesla recalls more than 40,000 U.S. cars over possible loss of power steering


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관련 기사

AI 붐에 힘입어 '슈퍼마이크'로 주가 급등

The stock price of AI server manufacturer Super Micro Computer surged by 14%.

폭스콘 회장 "AI 투자 붐, 아직 갈 길 있어"

Foxconn Chairman Young Liu predicted that the investment boom in AI technology will continue.

파산한 암호화폐 거래소 FTX, '약 22조 원' 환불 계획 승인

A U.S. court has approved the creditor repayment plan for the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX. As a result, FTX customers are expected to receive up to $16.5 billion in refunds.

엠마 왓슨이 스타트업 투자를? 여성 건강 기업 ' 허틸리티'에 투자

Actress Emma Watson has invested in Hertility, a UK-based women's health company.